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some lessons from the Assembly line


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Southern New Hampshire University

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November 27, 2016

Discussion Questions

  1. After re-reading your selected article, write a 3-4 sentence overview of the work, briefly describing main points and your thoughts about the writing. Include the author’s name and title of the article in this overview. These sentences will be part of your Introduction.

The chosen article is ‘Some lessons from the Assembly line,’ authored by Andrew Braaksma. The author basically describes his experiences in working in a factory during summer. In addition to that, he highlights his experiences and the way it shaped him value education.

  • In Assignment 1: Writing Plan, you wrote a claim* to be addressed in your analysis essay. The claim should again clearly state what you believe is the author’s goal in his or her article, your reaction to this goal (e.g., do you agree or disagree?), and why you had this reaction. After re-reading and re-evaluating the article, do you want to change your claim? If so, re-write your claim in the textbox below. If you are still happy with your original claim, enter it again in the textbox.

In my claim I believe Education is the key to success. My belief concurs with the author’s goal that education is the key to success and that experience serves as the best teacher. After reading the claim, I would want to ensure I work and study hard in equal measures.

  • In Assignment 1: Writing Plan, you listed three possible key points* that the author used to support his or her goal. Re-write the first supporting point in the textbox below. Then list one way in which the reading supports this point

The key points as discussed include the benefits of education, difficulty in transitioning from between school and full time blue collar job, the spirit of motivation. The author argues for individuals understanding the meaning of education as it may be undervalued in the short term but pays in the long run.

  • Now look for specific evidence* to support this first key point. The evidence should be a direct quote* from the article, a summary* of a section of the article, or a paraphrased* section of the article. Include the evidence in the textbox. (Remember to put quotation marks around direct quotes and cite the source in either MLA or APA format. For a brief overview.

In the article, the author asserts that, ‘The things that factory work has taught me–how lucky I am to get an education, how to work ; hard, ; how ; easy ; it ; is ; to ; lose ; that ; work ; once ;you ; have ; it–are ; by ; no ; means ; earth-shattering( Braaksma, 2005).’’ The aforementioned quote generally supports the3 first point that hard work is the key to success.

  • Write 1-2 sentences that explain how this piece of evidence supports the author’s goal (from Question 2). Then, write 4 or more sentences that explain your reaction to the author’s key point (e.g., do you agree or disagree with this key point and its evidence? Do you think the author met his/her goal with the evidence that is being presented? Does additional information need to be included?) Remember to elaborate on your reaction

The above quote explain the author’s stance on what he feels about valuing education and that losing a job could happen any time. I personally concur with the author when he asserts that doing part-time jobs does not really expose students to the real life. In addition to that, the author meets his goal in conveying information to students on the benefits of studying hard. No additional information is to be included.

  • Write the second key point/supporting point from your Assignment 1: Writing Plan notes in the textbox below

The second key point generally involves the difficulty in transitioning from school to a full time blue collar job.

7.Now look for specific evidence to support this second key point. The evidence should be a direct quote from the article, a summary of a section of the article, or a paraphrased section of the article. Include the evidence in the textbox. (Remember to put quotation marks around direct quotes.)

The author asserts that, ‘For ; a ; student ; like ; me ; who ; considers ; any ; class ; before ; noon ; to ; be uncivilized, getting to a factory by 6 o’clock each morning, where rows of hulking, spark-showering machines ; have ; replaced ; the ; lush ; campus ; and ; cavernous ; lecture ; halls ; of ; college ; life, ; is ; torture( Braaksma, 2005)’.

  • Write 1-2 sentences that explain how this piece of evidence supports your claim (from Question 2). Then, write 4 or more sentences that explain your reaction to the author’s key point (e.g., do you agree or disagree with this key point and its evidence? Do you think the author met his/her goal with the evidence that is being presented? Does additional information need to be included?) Remember to elaborate on your reaction

For a fact, transitioning from school to a blue collar job is such an uphill task or rather torture. However, the author justifies that it pays at the long run as one is able to know what the real life entails. The author definitely met his goal form the aforementioned evidence. No additional information is included as the author nails it the way it should be.

  • Write the third key point/supporting point from your Assignment 1: Writing Plan notes in the textbox below.

The third key pint is that the author asserts that he finds it torture constantly waking up at six in the morning to go to work in the factory. From assignment one, the aforesaid are one of the main reasons students fear getting into blue collar jobs.

  1. Now look for specific evidence to support this third key point. The evidence should be a direct quote from the article, a summary of a section of the article, or a paraphrased section of the article. Include the evidence in the textbox. (Remember to put quotation marks around direct quotes.)

The author in his article asserts that, ‘Last June, as I stood behind the bright orange guard door of the machine, listening to the crackling ; hiss ; of ; the ; automatic ; welders, ; I ; thought ; about ; how ; different ; my ; life ; had ; been ; just ; a ; few ; weeks earlier( Braaksma, 2005)’

  1. Write 1-2 sentences that explain how this piece of evidence supports your claim (from Question 2). Then, write 4 or more sentences that explain your reaction to the author’s key point (e.g., do you agree or disagree with this key point and its evidence? Do you think the author met his/her goal with the evidence that is being presented? Does additional information need to be included?) Remember to elaborate on your reaction

The aforementioned basically explains how he got it difficult to adapt to a new life. As a student, the author was not fond of waking up that early to go to school. My reaction to the author’s point is that I concur. Transitioning, especially from time of waking up, is always a very difficult task. For that reason, I strongly agree with the author on how adapting to a new schedule can be difficult. The author met his goal as he was able to convey the message of time management in the quest for success.

  1. Re-state your claim exactly as it is stated in Question 2.

My claim as stated in question 2 basically points out to the difficulty one can have in transitioning from campus life to a job environment life.

  1. Write 3-4 sentences that summarize your reaction to the author’s key supporting points (Questions 3-11).

The author’s key points basically point out on the importance of education and the challenges that come by in transitioning from a work case scenario. The author asserts that transitioning from school to a blue collar job might be difficult. However, it assists students to learn that there is more to education and hence it should not be taken for granted.

  1. Explain at least 2 insights* about your claim established through your analysis.

The idea of education being the key to success is a concept that should be understood by all students. Apart from being in class, they ought to go out and get conversant with what real life awaits them then. In addition to that, students should understand that there are a lot of challenges as they transition from school to job life.


Braaksma, A. (2005). Some Lessons fromthe Assembly Line. Newsweek, 146(11), 17.

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