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Reverse Outline

Activity: Reverse Outline (GRADED)

NOTE: This activity will be graded based on completion.

taking notes for a reverse outline

For this activity, you will use the ;reverse outlining* ;process and the ;TEA* ;formula to help you to revise your critical analysis essay draft. Follow the steps below:

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  1. Print out a copy of your essay draft. If you need to generate another copy of your draft, you can revisit ;5-3. If you are unable to print a copy of your draft, you can open up your essay document in a word processing program like Microsoft Word and turn on the “Comments” feature that will allow you to insert comments in the margins of the paper.
  2. Write your thesis statement at the top of the page so that you can refer back to it easily.
  3. Click on the following tab to analyze the effectiveness of your thesis statement.


  1. Based on your answers to the questions, make any necessary changes to your thesis statement. You should make these edits directly on the page. (Because this is a draft, you can scribble notes on it, cross things out, and mark up the page as much as you would like.)
  2. Read one paragraph at a time and write the main idea of each paragraph in the margins of your paper. Remember that the main idea of the introductory paragraph should be the thesis statement (the last sentence of that paragraph).
  3. Click on the following tab to analyze the effectiveness of your topic sentences, the evidence that supports the thesis statement, and your analysis of the evidence. You will need to do this for each body paragraph.

Topic Sentences



  1. Based on your answers to these questions, make any necessary edits to your draft. Again, you should make these changes directly on the page.

Generating an Updated Draft

After you have completed the steps above, break apart your essay so that you have three sections—an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Then enter your revised essay sections based on the specific TEA analysis of each portion into the textboxes below.

The next activity uses a rich text area. You can tab to the editor body. Press ALT-F10 to get to the toolbar. Press ESC to return to the editor body. A save button is available in the top toolbar all the way to the right and will become visible when it receives focus.

You have not yet completed the activity below.

Paste your introduction into the textbox. Remember that the introduction should provide an overview of your selected article and end with your thesis statement.

Top of Form



Bottom of Form

The next activity uses a rich text area. You can tab to the editor body. Press ALT-F10 to get to the toolbar. Press ESC to return to the editor body. A save button is available in the top toolbar all the way to the right and will become visible when it receives focus.

You have not yet completed the activity below.

Paste your body paragraphs into the textbox. Remember that each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and should contain evidence and your analysis of that evidence.

Top of Form



Bottom of Form

The next activity uses a rich text area. You can tab to the editor body. Press ALT-F10 to get to the toolbar. Press ESC to return to the editor body. A save button is available in the top toolbar all the way to the right and will become visible when it receives focus.

You have not yet completed the activity below.

Paste your conclusion into the textbox. Your conclusion should begin with your thesis statement followed by a summary of the main points of your essay. Your conclusion should articulate insights about your claim established through your analysis.

Top of Form



Bottom of Form

Now that you have filled in each of the textboxes above, click on the “Download Word Document” link below. When you open the Word document, you will see all of your responses from the prompts above saved and collated in the document. ;Save your document but DO NOT SUBMIT IT TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR JUST YET. You will continue to update this draft in the coming weeks and will make your final submission in Module 8.

Download Word Document

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