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Sampling Design

Using ;the scenario and two variables your learning team developed for the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 assignment, create a paper of no more than 700 words in which the goal is to submit a random sampling plan in such detail that another researcher could replicate the method.

Discuss ;the following:

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(a) Population and size

(b) The target population and brief reasoning

(c) Sampling element which may be conducted through any of the following:

  • Data mining
  • Survey (If a survey is chosen, create a 5-10 question document), or
  • Observation

(d) The sample size

(e) Method of random sampling which may include:

  • Simple
  • Stratified
  • Systematic, or
  • Cluster

Calculate ;the sample size using a 95% confidence level, and a 5% margin of error. Place the calculation in the Appendix.

Discuss ;how validity (and reliability) will be achieved.

Explain ;how human subjects will be protected (if applicable).

Data collection

Explain ;how the data will be physically collected.

Explain ;where data will be stored and how it will be protected.

Format ;your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

*****My team ; ;two variables ;are attached*******

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