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1. Which of the following is properly quoted from the original source material?
Original passage, excerpted from page 23
Respect people. This begins with an understanding of the diversity of their gifts. Understanding the diversity of these gifts enables us to begin
taking the crucial step of trusting each other.
DePree, Max. Leadership Is an Art, Doubleday, 1989.
a. A number of American business people are sharing their business expertise via books. Among them are Jack Welch, Lee lacocca, and Max
DePree. Reading their books helps us to begin taking the crucial step of trusting each other.
b. A number of American business people are sharing their business expertise via books. Among them are Jack Welch, Lee lacocca, and Max
DePree. Reading their books helps us "begin taking the crucial step of trusting each other" (DePree 23)
2. Which of the following is properly quoted from the original source material?
Original passage, excerpted from page 45
Work enrichment and a high quality of life go hand in hand. Knowing the degree to which a worker is chafing is the first step. Altering that situation so
you have a productive employee is the second step.
Dichter, Ernest. How Hot a Manager Are You? McGraw Hill, 1987
a. Those who supervise others-whether informally or on the job-must be aware of two things. First is the distaste your employee/children/
committee members/student may be experiencing in relation to the task before them. Learning how much they are "chafing" is the first step (Dichter
b. Those who supervise others-whether informally or on the job-must be aware of two things. First is the distaste your employees/children/
committee members/students may be experiencing in relation to the task before them. Learning how much they are chafing is the first step.
3. Which of the following is properly quoted from the original source material?
Original passage, excerpted from page 17
Taubert et al. signed up six men and seven women aged 55-64 for the study. All subjects had just been diagnosed with mild high blood pressure-on
average, systolic blood pressure (the top number) of 153 and diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) of 84. Every day for two weeks, they ate a
100-gram candy bar and were asked to balance its 480 calories by not eating other foods similar in nutrients and calories.
Rapitis, George. The Lighter Side of Dark Chocolate: Take It to Heart. Author House, 2007.
a. Rapitis reports that a small but significant study was done on 13 people aged 55-64. Each had recently been given a diagnosis of a mild problem
regarding high blood pressure. Participants averaged readings of 153/84. For a full two-week period, they ate a 100 gram candy bar and were asked
to balance its 480 calories by not eating other foods similar in nutrients and calories.
b. Rapitis reports that a small but significant study was done on 13 people aged 55-64. Each had recently been given a diagnosis of a mild problem
regarding high blood pressure. Participants averaged readings of 153/84. For a full two-week period, "they ate a 100-gram candy bar and were asked
to balance its 480 calories by not eating other foods similar in nutrients and calories" (Rapitis 17).
1. Which of the following is properly paraphrased from the original source material?
Original passage, excerpted from page 12
The [BP] spill is likely to change how we approach our liability laws and our regulatory policies. If companies aren’t fully liable for their costs, they end
up running greater risks. When regulatory rules say you’re only liable up to $75 million-the current liability cap for the oil spill-people act on that.
Zupan, Mark. "In Deep Water." Rochester Review, July-Aug. 2010, pp. 12-3.
a. According to Mark Zupan, the Dean of the Simon School and professor of economics and public policy, the BP spill will probably affect both
liability laws and regulations. Zupan warns that if companies are not held liable for costs, they could face even more serious consequences.
Companies will hold themselves accountable for the liability limits, which are currently capped at $75 million for oil spills (Zupan 12).
b. The BP spill is likely to change how we approach both our liability laws and our regulations. Companies who don’t feel they are responsible for
their own costs of doing business "running greater risks." If the regulations only hold a firm liable for $75 million (the existing cap), people will act on
that amount, according to the Dean of the Simon School (Zupan).
2. Which of the following is properly paraphrased from the original source material?
Original passage, excerpted from page 141
The distinction between active and passive euthanasia seems, on the surface, easy enough. Active euthanasia occurs in those instances in which
someone takes active means, such as a lethal injection, to bring about someone’s death; passive euthanasia occurs in those instances in which
someone simply refuses to intervene in order to prevent someone’s death. In a hospital setting, a DNR (do not resuscitate) order is one of the most
common means of passive euthanasia.
Hinman, Lawrence M. Contemporary Moral Issues: Diversity and Consensus. 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2000
a. The controversial ethical issue of euthanasia is more complicated than whether or not you are killing a person. One must understand that there are
different types of euthanasia, and that each type has its own set of moral arguments. For example, you can be in favor of passive euthanasia, which
s when no one actively attempts to prevent a person’s death, simply allowing a natural death to occur. But that would not mean that you support
active euthanasia, which is when steps are taken to cause someone’s death, such as when a person chooses to die on their own terms rather than
continue to suffer a terminal illness (Hinman 141).
. The controversial ethical issue of euthanasia is more complicated than whether or not you are killing a person. One must understand that there are
different types of euthanasia, and that each type has its own set of moral arguments. For example, you can be in favor of passive euthanasia, which
s when someone simply refuses to intervene in order to prevent someone’s death, which seems like allowing a natural death. But that would not
mean that you support active euthanasia, which is when someone takes active means, such as a lethal injection, to bring about someone’s death
3. Which of the following is properly paraphrased from the original source material?
Original passage, excerpted from page 1
A Southern California pediatrician with ties to the anti-vaccine movement, Bob Sears, has suggested that measles in the United States is nothing to
fear, minimizing the potential complications the virus can cause. He does acknowledge in a post that the outbreak is a "public health nightmare," which
Sears himself knows well. A 2008 outbreak of measles beginning with an unvaccinated child returning from Switzerland was a patient of Sears’. That
outbreak resulted in 11 cases, led to the quarantine of dozens more, and cost California more than $100,000 to contain.
While the incidence of measles has dropped about 99 percent since the introduction of the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella, that doesn’t mean
we’re out of the woods. The past year has shown a resurgence in measles infections in the United States. Last year was the worst year for measles in
two decades. While we’ve seen fewer than 100 cases of measles in most years since the turn of the century, that number spiked to 644 cases in 2014,
from 23 separate outbreaks in 27 states.
Smith, Tara C. "Measles Outbreak at Disney: Anti-MMR-Vaccine Activists Claim Disease Isn’t Dangerous." Slate Magazine, 23 January 2015,
. Some doctors with ties to the anti-vaccine movement, like California pediatrician Bob Sears, have suggested that measles in America is nothing to
fear, minimizing potential complications of the virus. The past year (2014) has actually shown a resurgence in measles infections in the United States
and was the worst year for measles in twenty years (Smith 1).
b. Smith’s interviews with anti-vaccine activists reveal that the movement is attempting to downplay the dangerousness of measles. Unfortunately,
2014 saw an increasing number of confirmed measles cases in the United States: 644 infections in 27 separate states, when normally the number
would be less than 100 a year-at least, so it has been ever since vaccinations were introduced (Smith 1).Read more






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