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Human/Computer Interface and Interactions Help

You are the lead human–computer interaction (HCI) engineer on a major defense project supporting the government and its integration of a new system and application design for use by federal investigators. Part of your job is to elicit and define the user interface requirements for this new design. Federal investigators will use this new system and user interface design for performing data entry of a terrorist suspect’s identification data. Once the terrorist is identified, the user interface will need to provide the required output to characterize the location, identity, and suspected activities of the terrorist suspect. The federal bureau in charge of these investigations would also like to be able to share this application with certain international strategic allies in the fight against terrorism.

For the government representative, write a neatly formatted report including the following:

  • a title page
  • a 3–5-page report that includes the following:
    • An introduction to the contents of the report
    • Identification of what elements must be included in this UI design to ensure terrorists can be identified and tracked
    • Some of the fields you expect to see in this user interface screen design (e.g., menus, data entry screens, boxes, help, fields, drop-downs)
    • A list of the requirements for this interface design to ensure the format of the screen design is understood for capture of the terrorist suspect’s data input in multiple languages
    • An explanation of interface alternatives which will be needed for different language orientations (e.g. different characters such as right to left etc.)
    • An effective conclusion
    • Sources properly cited in APA style


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