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Hello Nyanya, I am currently taking a HLTH 230 Health Care Law and Ethics class. I need a paper for a Current Event Assignment worth (35 points):For this assignment, you are to locate an article about a current legal or ethical issue ( is a good site to find this, but you may use any other .org, .edu, or .gov websites – NO .com sites should ever be used in this class). Once you find your article:

· ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Write a brief summary (1-2 pages) of the legal/ethical issue

· ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Discuss any arguments for or against it

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· ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Explain the outcome or possible final resolution (if possible).

In total, this assignment should be no more than 2 double-spaced pages. Remember to use correct APA format to cite and reference your source. ;This assignment will be assessed based on the quality of the information you include in the summary, good composition, and use of APA.

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