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Decode Media

Your two ;year-old is clamoring for fast food because she wants the toy that comes with the meal. Meanwhile, your six ;year-old has become a couch potato whose favorite game is sponsored by a cereal company. Finally, your teenage niece believes everything she reads on the internet.

In this Project, you will analyze advertising meant for children and teenagers – a multibillion dollar industry that seeks to create new, young consumers and keep them for life. You will focus on three types of marketing: television commercials, sponsored games and websites.Directions

You have been invited to make a slide presentation to the Parent-Teacher Association about advertising that is targeted to children and teens. Your presentation will need to show parents how media messages are “constructed.” It will also need to show parents how to “deconstruct” these messages – in other words, how to analyze what’s going on in the games, commercials and websites their children encounter every day. The Project Steps document in Project Resources will help you prepare for your slide ;presentation.

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