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Criminal Evidence-2 Essay

In 15th century England, courts and law officers often obtained confessions to crimes by torture and violence. Eventually, in response to these abuses, English courts held that persons ought not to be put on trial for a crime and compelled to answer incriminating questions until after they had been properly accused by grand jury. In the United States, defendants in criminal cases can be convicted only on reliable, relevant evidence. To be admissible, confessions and statements must be made voluntarily and freely.

  • How does a court determine if the confession or statement is given voluntarily?
  • Can you also provide an example of when a statement is not given voluntarily?

This individual work to be completed is an in-depth essay of 1-2 pages, free of spelling and grammar errors.

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Your essay should include:

• ;The rationale used to address the question/issue posted
• ;A well-justified argument regarding this issue

Your response must:

• ;Be thought provoking
• ;Have well developed ideas and/or opinions
• ;Reference any material from the text, lecture, or other sources used to complete the assignment

You may use your text or the Internet as a reference, but remember to cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

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