Entries by davie

BUS309 Business Ethics Week 5, Discussion 1

eActivity: ;Watch the video titled “Woman Burned by McDonald’s Hot Coffee, Then the News Media | Retro Report | The New York Times” (12 min 17 s), located here ;http://youtu.be/pCkL9UlmCOE. Be prepared to discuss. Case Study: ;Read ;Case Study 6.2: Hot Coffee at McDonald’s ;(see attachment) ;and be prepared to discuss. “Hot Coffee at McDonald’s” […]

Case Study 2: Ballew v. Georgia, 435 U.S. 223 (1978)

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution limits the power of the police to make arrests, search people and their property, and seize objects and contraband, such as illegal drugs or weapons. These limits are the bedrock of search and seizure law and are ultimately at the root of your right to privacy. Analyze the […]

Need management help with Masters on Introduction to Public Administration

Introduction to Public Administration ; Unit 3 Assignment Details ; Project Proposal – Part 2 For your Unit 9 Assignment, you will research the ;American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, you will analyze their managerial and administrative processes by examining the impact of a current issue or situation on those processes. This […]

PA301 Please put into your own words!!!

1)Why is Max Weber’s characterization of bureaucracy considered the essential building block forunderstanding the formal institutional structures of public administration? A) Weber developed the most comprehensive, classic formulation of the characteristics of bureaucracy. He believed that civilization evolved from the primitive and mystical to therational and complex. ; Weber defined three “ideal-types” of authority throughout […]

Case Study Regression equation

Using the equation, for example, in a particular product ( Cars or Mobile Phone ) and virtual numbers and their impact on demand, and explain it ( only 1 Page ) Regression equation: linear, additive ; ; ;eg: Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 ; Y: dependent variable ; a: […]

Business discussion question

analyze two (2) reasons why a corporation is able to justify its participation in the LEED certification program as responsible environmental management, considering the associated costs. Provide a rationale for your response. From the second e-Activity, examine the most important ways in which the company that you have researched is implementing sustainable development. Evaluate the […]

Describe and discuss the role of documentation from the perspective of you using it as an external-independent CPA auditor, Accounting Information System homework

1) Describe and discuss the role of documentation from the perspective of you using it as an external-independent CPA auditor or consultant. 2) Describe and discuss the role of documentation from the perspective of you using it as an internal accountant or ;internal auditor providing services within a company to help the end users of […]

HP and Laws and Their Impacts

Countries have imposed international laws in their own ways based around many factors. Such factors include social status, religion, economy, and more. Many enterprise organizations have ways of coping with international laws, yet most are under scrutiny of the countries. ;For further assistance in understanding how companies are dealing with these types of laws, use […]