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Personal Change [CLOs: 1,2,4,5]

Personal Change [CLOs: 1,2,4,5]

Submit a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), describing two types of Organizational Interventions used by corporations and the issues they address. Compare and contrast the interventions utilized by the corporations in your articles.






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You must use at least two scholarly sources (which may be your scholarly/academic journal articles regarding Organizational Interventions), in addition to the textbook, and be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

Individual, Group, and Organizational Interventions take place at varying levels, for different issues, and at seemingly random times. ;Reddy (1994) outlines five specific types of interventions:

  1. Cognitive ;
  2. Skill/Activities
  3. Behavior
  4. Emotional/Reflective
  5. Interpretative ;

Cummings & Worley (2009) describe organizational issues that may be addressed through interventions, be it individual, group or at the organizational level. ;These issues are strategic, technological/structural, human resource, or human process. ;Let us look at the human resource issue that an organization may need to address according to Cummings & Worley (2009). They may be addressed at the individual, group, or organizational level as seen below:

Individual Group ;Organizational ;
Goal setting x x
Performance appraisal ; x x
Coaching/Mentoring x x x
Career Planning/Development x
Management Development x
Diversity x x x
Health/Wellness x
  1. Establish an action learning set.
  2. Identify a project, task, or problem the set intends to work on.
  3. Engage in a process of questioning, reflection, and inquiry into the problem.
  4. Decide on and implement a course of action.
  5. Reconvene to evaluate whether the action resulted in a satisfactory outcome and to identify key learning.

Action learning tends to favor asking questions that prompt new thinking, learning, and new solutions.

Take Away 7.1: Learning and Development

  • Reflective practice helps clients reflect critically on their thought and action by considering reflection in action, reflection on action, and espoused theory versus theory in use.
  • T-groups are small groups in which individuals receive feedback on how their behavior affected the other members of the group. When done effectively, T-groups facilitate deep critical reflection and self-awareness.
  • Training, education, and development give individual employees the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform their jobs.
  • Action learning engages employees in cycles of reflection and action about real problems they encounter in their real workplace.

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