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Current Issues in Management Paper (CIP) (20%)

In Week 4, you will be tasked with writing a research paper on a current topic related to management and supervision.

You will choose one of the following topics to research:

· Effective Methods of Employee Recognition

· Positive Reinforcement as a Motivator for Increased Work Performance

· Improving Job Satisfaction and Morale Through Effective Communication

· Contemporary Management Approaches to Attain Positive Employee Motivation and Performance

· Current Issues in Supervising a Diverse Workforce

· Advantages and Disadvantages of a Formal Performance Appraisal System


Students are expected to:

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Identify, describe, analyze, evaluate and report a current issue related to management, specifically, to areas d of management that involve employee supervision

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Demonstrate the ability to effectively use available research tools in supporting the content of a formal research document

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Apply critical thinking and written communication skills in preparing a formal research document

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Begin your research using UMUC’s Online Library –, an up-to-date and reliable source for research material. The numerous databases found in this library provide a wealth of information for you to access. It is expected that you will use these databases as the primary source for your research material. Other good research sources include other university or public libraries and material learned during this course. You can use other sources found on the Internet, however, these cannot be your primary source for research material. Internet sources are limited in quality, accuracy and scope. Using these sources you will create an “annotated bibliography.”


Required Elements to include in the CIP:

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Introduction to the topic, not exceeding 125 words, providing the reader with an overview of the research topic

* ; ; ; ; ; ; A summary (100-125 words) of the relevance of the topic to the study of management and supervision is presented

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Document includes a list of bullet statements briefly summarizing, in the student’s own words, the main points learned as a result of the research

* ; ; ; ; ; ; APA citations are required for each bullet statement included in the Table

* ; ; ; ; ; ; A summary (225-250 words) giving the reader an overview of the results of the research and how it relates to the study of management and supervision

Required Formatting of CIP:

* ; ; ; ; ; ; This report should be double-spaced, 12-point font and four to five page report excluding the title page, references, or the template

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Use 1” margins (top, bottom, left and right sides), 12-font

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Submit using Microsoft Word or rich text format (rtf)

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Title page with your name, the course name and number, title of research paper, the date, and instructor’s name.

* ; ; ; ; ; ; A separate list of research sources, written in APA format, is included at the end of the document. ; The Internet cannot be a primary source for research material; only one Internet reference is allowed for this research project.

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Use a minimum of five (5) research sources is required of which no fewer than four (4) must be sources found in the UMUC Online databases, other University research libraries and/or material included in this course. The course material can be one of these sources. No more than one (1) source can come from an Internet site.

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Condense your findings (Research Results) to its essence in the form of brief paragraphs (“bullet statements”).

* ; ; ; ; ; ; For ease of reading, your document must contain appropriate section headings. It is suggested you use “Introduction, Relevance, Research Results, Summary, and References” as headings for the various sections of your research document. The use of section headings is an effective way to help you organize your research document.

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page. ; You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions will be taken when quotes are used.”

* ; ; ; ; ; ; Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder.


Due Date


Feb 8, 2015 11:59 PM


Description: Rubrics




Rubric Name: Written Assignment (20%)















Critical Thinking/Reasoning

7 points

demonstrates a high degree of critical thinking, is consistent in accurately interpreting questions & material; provides solid assumptions, reasoning & claims; provides thorough analysis & evaluation with sound conclusions

5.95 points

shows good critical thinking; accurately interprets most questions & material; usually identifies relevant arguments/reasoning/claims; offers good analysis & evaluation with fairly sound conclusions

5.25 points

shows occasional critical thinking; questions & material is at times accurately interpreted; arguments/reasoning/claims are occasionally explained; offers fair analysis & evaluation with a conclusion

4.55 points

shows little critical thinking, misinterprets questions or material; ignores or superficially evaluates; justifies little and seldom explains reasoning; draws unwarranted conclusions

3.85 points

lacks critical thinking consistently offers biased interpretations; ignores or superficially evaluates; argues using poor reasoning, and/or unwarranted claims

Application of Concepts/Development

7 points

arguments or positions are well-supported with evidence from the readings/experience; ideas go beyond the course material and recognize implications and extensions of the material and concepts

5.95 points

arguments or positions are mostly supported by evidence from the readings and course content; ideas presented demonstrate student’s understanding of the material and concepts

5.25 points

arguments are more often based on opinion or unclear views than on position grounded in the readings of material or external sources of material

4.55 points

arguments are frequently illogical and unsubstantiated; student may resort to ad hominem attacks on the author instead of making meaningful application of the material

3.85 points

a meaningful attempt to explain or support ideas does not exist

Attention to Instructions

3 points

demonstrated full understanding of requirements; responded to each aspect of assignment

2.55 points

demonstrated understanding of requirements; missed one minor aspect of assignment

2.25 points

demonstrated some understanding of requirements; missed a key element or two minor aspects of assignment

1.95 points

failed to show a firm understanding of requirements; missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment

1.65 points

did not demonstrate understanding of assignment requirements

Clarity; including grammar

2 points

writing is clear and easy to follow; grammar and spelling are all correct; formatting gives a professional look and adds to readability

1.7 points

most ideas are presented clearly; occasional spelling and/or grammar issues

1.5 points

wordy; some points require rereading to understand fully; more than an occasional spelling and/or grammar

1.3 points

unclear and difficult to understand; frequent spelling and grammar issues

1.1 points

largely incomprehensible writing/poorly written in terms of mechanics and structure

Adherence to APA style (6th ed.)

1 point

no APA style errors

0.85 points

attempts in-text citation and reference list but 1 or 2 APA style errors are present

0.75 points

attempts in-text citation and reference list; APA style errors are present; inconsistencies in citation usage can be found throughout the document

0.65 points

attempts either in-text citation or reference list but omits the other

0.55 points

no attempt at APA style

Overall Score

18 or more

16 or more

14 or more

12 or more

0 or more

; ; ; ; ; ;




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