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As a company evolves and expands over time there will be a time where the leaders of the company will have to implement change to stay effective and up to date.

As a company evolves and expands over time there will be a time where the leaders of the company will have to implement change to stay effective and up to date. The first step of motivating change is very important because people generally reject change. Leaders must motivate the change otherwise the employee’s will not buy into the concept. Creating a vision helps the company understand what their goals are. Without establishing a vision, it would be impossible for people to know what the goals for the company are. This would lead to confusion and most likely low morale. Political support helps the new change become accepted. If there is a lack of support the new change could fail to gain momentum. The transition of change will not happen overnight. I believe the final two dimensions are often overlooked and not implemented in many companies. If the momentum is not sustained most people will fall back into old habits. It’s important that leaders periodically check up on progress and reassure its employee’s that the change is working

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