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Discussion Board- 665

Please answer each question separately. Each question must be 250-300 words each. Please be plagiarism free and also, make sure sources are cited APA. ;

1. ;Chapter 6 discusses Botelho’s (2004) quantitative rating system. Use Fig. 6.1 and this tool on a coworker or a friend. Report the findings and data. What were some key findings? Respond to the questions in the “After listing” box. ;

2. ; ;As a leader you are always planting seeds. People are looking to you for resolution. Increase your store and enlarge the harvest of your righteousness (2 Cor. 9:10-14). Put yourself as the spreader of seeds for the Lord. How do you spread and plant seeds at work? At home”? How can this verse be used as strength when handling either coaching or conflict resolution? ;

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