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You are going to cast concrete in a site during a very hot summer. The local market has the two cements available:

Question 4: You are going to cast concrete in a site during a very hot summer. The local market has

the two cements available:

Cement A (%): C3S= 50, C2S= 35, C3A= 5, C4AF= 10

Cement B (%): C3S = 65, C2S= 15, C3A= 10, C4AF= 10

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Which cement should you select?

Question 5: At 14 days, with a hydration degree of 40% a cement paste

contains 50% of hydration products. Compute a) the porosity of the cement paste at 14

days and b) the original w/c of the cement paste.

Information about the cement: ASTM Type II, specific density = 3.14

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