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Persuasive Essay

I need help with writing a Persuasive Essay on any of the following topic Topics:

1. Consider media censorship, particularly for the radio and primetime TV. Do you think that it is necessary or justified? Are there times when censorship goes over the top? Or do you think current censorship policies are not enough?

2. Does the United States need universal health care? Can universal health care work in our country? Is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) an appropriate approach to protecting Americans’ needs for good health coverage, or should the United States return to the network of insurance options that existed before the Act became law?

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3. Should sexual education be taught in public schools? Should sexual education be abstinence-only?

4. Should Teenagers Take Parenting Classes?

I will submit you the guidelines for the assignment.

The follow is the guideline for the assignment:

Guideline for writing:

What topic do you choose?

What is your thesis statement?

What is your position on the topic?

Include 2–3 points to support your position.

Identify at least two sources that you will use to support the points.

What is at least one opposing viewpoint?

Include 2–3 points to refute the opposing position.

Identify at least one source that you will use to support the points.

WorkSited or References.

Note: For USA Writers only.

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