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"Mother Tongue"

I chose “Mother Tongue” and I think that the goal slightly changed. I think that the goal of this book was to distinguish the difference between standard English and what she considers broken English. Also, the change came in when not only was she distinguishing the difference the English language, but also Chinese in which she spoke mostly with her mother along with the broken English. Not to mention letting all other Asian-American people know that there doesn’t have to be limitations on what they can achieve.

After rereading my chosen article a few key points changed or even underscored Amy’s actual message. She used a different stylistic devices to achieve her overall purpose. Key symbols used in the poem include the understanding and being able to speak proper and simple English. The proper English shows Amy’s acceptance in an American society ; while the simple English language is a symbol of the bond she and her mother shared.

The main audience in the book that is being addressed is the adult Asian-American ; adult English learners. The challenges that the author faces are trying to get the Asian-American people to step out of their shells and try the things that they are afraid of, and convincing them about the limitations of the improper English in society. This is to show that improper English underscores the main idea which is perfecting the English language. Also, it would be those of traditional English speakers ; rather than those taking the English language as a secondary subject.

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As I look back and reread the article my goal would be to convince the audience on the limitations associated with broken English, and the richness the broken English brings in written English. Pointing out the instances where there were limitations from the broken English and help better understand that the core of eliminating would improve their grammar. With the improvement of grammar this would enhance and advance their position in society.

I found two areas that I could use as useful evidence. Invoking evidence from the contemporary society would definitely be my first motive. Looking for other evidence from the remainder of the literature would be next. For example, the use of metaphors from cultural languages and practices would surely be found and identified on other written work and would be made available.

I personally enjoy receiving feedback and it gives me the chance to see identify my mistakes and time to correct them. Being able to get feedback allows me the opportunity to add useful and important information and can enrich and perfect the piece of work. Feedback also allows the audience to address some information that could have possibly been overlooked.

Proofreading and editing by printing a hardcopy are two great revision strategies. They both give the reader a chance to identify mistakes that and grammatical errors that could have been overlooked. Also, getting someone to look over and/or proofread literature could help identify complex mistakes. I think that someone who doesn’t actually know complete details are better at picking out mistakes and correcting errors.

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