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zybooks, parsing strings.

Ok guys, I’m having trouble with my code in zybooks, parsing strings.. I have passed 5/ 7 but don’ t know what’s wrong now.. Here’s my code:

while True:

; ;string1 = input(‘Enter input string: n’)

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; ;if (string1 == ‘q’):

; ; ; ;break;

; ;if ‘,’ not in string1:

; ; ; ;print(‘Error: No comma in string.’)

; ;elif ‘ ‘ not in string1:

; ; ; ;print(‘Error: No comma in string.’)

; ;elif ‘ ;’ in string1:

; ; ; ;print(‘Error: No comma in string.’)

Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at 8.06.58 AM.png

; ;else:

; ; ; ;first_word, second_word = string1.split(‘,’)

; ; ; ;first_word, second_word = first_word.strip(), second_word.strip()

; ; ; ;print(‘First word:’, first_word)

; ; ; ;print(‘Second word:’, second_word)

; ; ; ;print()

; ; ; ;print() ;ATTACHMENT PREVIEW

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